● 2012-2014
Codarts, Rotterdam, Master of Arts, Community arts

● 2014

Masterclasses New Music Theatre, Codarts,
 Tutors: Micha Hamel And Arlon Luijten

● 2008 – 2012
- Willem de Kooning academy, Rotterdam, bachelor of fine-arts 

- Erasmus University, Rotterdam, minor philosophy

Art related work experience
● 2017 – current
Art teacher and coordinator at Art-S-Cool, The Hague

● 2020 - current 

Tutor and curator performance art (Dear Shapes in Space project),
Willem de Kooning academy, Rotterdam

● 2023 | Coördinator at Frank Taal gallery

● 2023 – current | Board member department art and culture subsidies,
municipality of Rotterdam

Grants and awards
● 2023 – Bekker la Bastide, album Alter Moderna
● 2023 – Duitje crowdfund, album Alter Moderna
● 2023 – SENA muziekfonds, project grant, album Alter Moderna
● 2023 – Pictoright, project grant, Dear Shapes in Space
● 2022 - NJR Ik ben Geweldig, Grant 

● 2022 - Cultuurschakel, Grant

● 2022 - Pictoright, Grant for Re-Fashion

● 2022 – Duitje crowdfund, project Re-Fashion
● 2021 - LAM Museum, Art Entrepreneur Award

● 2021 - Fonds Kwadraat

● 2021 - Droom & Daad, Grant

● 2019 - Stichting Stokroos, Grant

● 2018 - CBK Rotterdam | IBB

● 2016 – Mondriaan Fonds, Young Talent Award

● 2012- Vrijvrouwe van Renswoude Scolarship

● 2012 - Bekker la Bastide Fonds Scolarship

Solo (selection)
2023, Embassy of Art, Amsterdam, NL

2022, Glasshouse LifeArtLab, The Great Health, NY, US

2020, Witte Rook, The Great Health, Breda, NL

2019, Concordia, Couplet 2.0., Enschede, NL

2018, Concordia, Enschede, NL

2018, WORM, Wer denn sagst dass Beton nicht brennt?, Rotterdam, NL

2016, Uitdagen Rotterdam, Krisis, Rotterdam,
2013, Bob Smit gallery, Being human anno 2012, Rotterdam, NL

Group (selection)
2023, Gallery Frank Taal, Dammerung, Rotterdam, NL
2023, Dear Shapes in Space, Neck of the Woods Gallery, Rotterdam, NL
2023, Art Week Rotterdam, Neck of the Woods Gallery, Rotterdam, NL
2023, Cross Pollinations, New York, US
2022, Big Art, Amsterdam, NL

2022, Stedelijk Museum Breda, NL

2022, Neck of the Woods Gallery, Rotterdam, NL

2021, Performance with Lise Sore and Sofie Hollander, at TAC, Eindhoven, NL

2021, This Art Fair, Amsterdam, NL

2021, Riga Performance art Festival, LV

2020, Gallery Frank Taal, Homo Fragilis, Rotterdam, NL

2020, Deformes Trienal, CorporAte, CL

2020, Kolkata International Performance Art Festival, Solidarity, Kolkata, IN

2020, Defibrilator Performance Art Gallery, Zhou B Art Center, What Remains,
The Artist's Armor, Chicago, US

2020, Palazzo Mora, International Performance Art Week, Venice, IT

2019, Project ID Inbetween Identities, performance Diealogue,

With o.a. Peter Baren, Andrigo & Aliprandi (IT), Fenia Kotsopoulou (UK), Marcel Sparmann
Yvette Teeuwen, Miranda Meijer and Kirsten Heshusius, The Hague, NL

2019, Root Gallery, Time to Perform, Rotterdam, NL

2018, Gorcums Museum, Broeder - Bruder - Bruedher, Gorcum, NL

2018, Solstice Gallery, Tabula Rasa, Brussels, BE

2018, ART Rotterdam, Prospects & Concepts show, All for Art, Rotterdam, NL

2018, Filmtheatre Cinerama, Der Stille Mensch a.o., Rotterdam

2017, Hoogtij #54, galerie Arte Sin Limites, Den Haag, NL

2017, Arte Concordia, Zoön Politikon,
 Curated by Karin Arink. With o.a. Robin Kolleman, Paul Cox,
Rolf Engelen, Iris Bouwmeester, Maurice Meeuwisse and Tanja Smeets, Rotterdam, NL

2017, ArtZNSTD, Backfire, The Wander,
with a.o. Lizan Freijsen, Harold Linker and Robert Roelink,
Zaandam, NL

2016, Roodkapje, Winterwolven festival, Arminius, The Rite, Rotterdam, NL

2015 - 2009 (selection)

- De Parade, Rotterdam, NL

- Route du Nord, Rotterdam, NL

- Pulchri studio, Den Haag, NL

- Frank Taal galerie, Rotterdam, NL

- Showroom Mama, Rotterdam, NL

- International Film Festival Rotterdam, NL

- Goethe instituut Rotterdam, Museumnacht, with a.o.
Mette Sterre and Inge Aanstoot, Rotterdam, NL

● 2021, Glasshouse LifeArtLab, NY, USA

● 2020, Venice International Performance Art Week, Palazzo Mora, IT, 

Led by Andrigo/Aliprandi, Vest&Page and La Pocha Nostra

● 2019, PiPe, Pictura, Dordrecht, NL 

● 2019, Concordia, Enschede, NL
● 2018, Maria Ziekenhuis & MS clinic, BE
● 2020, Kolkata International Performance Art Festival, IND
● 2020, Witte Rook, Breda, NL

Press (selection)
2023, KM magazine, interview
2023, Parool, on solo exhibit, Alter Modern Manifest
2023, Pop Unie, interview regarding release Alter Moderna album
2022, Parool, about participation on Big Art 2022

2022, AvroTros, about Woman in E, De Pont Museum
 2022, Open Art Speak, interview
2022, Fashion United Magazine, Re-Fashion
2021, Publieke Omroep Amsterdam, interview
2021, LAM Museum, Art Entrepreneur Award 2021
2021, Trendbeheer, 2021
2021, Museum de Lakenhal, If Things Grow Wrong, Leiden, NL
2021, Gorcums Museum - een overzicht 2013 - 2020, work on book cover
2020, Jegens & Tevens, performance and fine- arts work at Frank Taal gallery 10+
2020, PAS (Performance Art Studies), Johannes Deimling (GER)
2020, Dflbrl8tr gallery, What Remains, Chicago (USA)
2020, NPO Radio 1, Nieuwsuur BV
2020, Witte Rook, interview about exhibition The Great Health
2019, Jegens&Tevens, about Pictura Performance Festival, Dordrecht
2019, Metropolis M, about All for Art at Art Rotterdam and Couplet 2.0. at Concordia
2019, Museumtijdschrift, about Couplet 2.0. at Concordia, Enschede
2018, NPO Radio 1, radio interview about Couplet 2.0 at Concordia, Enschede
2018, AD, about the installation/performance Broeder-Bruder-Bruedher
2018, Mondriaan Fonds, blog, Verstarring Doorbreken
2018: Trendbeheer, about All for Art on Art Rotterdam
2018, De Telegraaf, 'Minder beurzen, Sterkere presentatie' about All for Art
2018, Mondriaan Fonds, Blog Birgit Donker, about All for Art, at Art Rotterdam
2018, Het Parool, 8th of February, about All for Art, at Art Rotterdam
2018, Museumtijdschrift, about All for Art, at Art Rotterdam
2018, Mondriaan Fonds, (online and printed) catalogue for Prospects & Concepts

● 2019 - present

Dear Shapes in Space, performance art show in cooperation with WdKa Rotterdam

● 2021

De Aanschouw, Marco de Waal, M.V. Baks, Lise Sore, Rotterdam, NL

● 2021

Performance dramaturgy for the 
NPO live television broadcast,
Nationale Kinderherdenking, Madurodam, 
The Hague, NL

Video screenings
2023, Blagarden Gallery, Kopenhagen, Men – On feminist Ideals and actual Biology,
curated by Josef Ka
2023, Sauna Gallery, Stockholm, Men – On feminist Ideals and actual Biology,
curated by Josef Ka
2022, 18 & 19th of March, Talk to Me, Ukraine

2019, 9th -11th of oct, Goethe Institute, (Der Stille Mensch), Porto Alegre, Brazil

2019, 9th - 11th of oct, University of Granada, (Der Stille Mensch),
UGR Faculty of Fine- arts, Spain
 2019, 14th & 15th oct, Lavapiés, (Der Stille Mensch),
Madrid, Spain

2019, 27th & 30th of nov. - 7th & 14th of dec., Pictura, Pipe festival, (Der Stille Mensch),
Dordrecht, NL

2019, 28th, 29th & 30th of nov., University of Vigo, (Der Stille Mensch), IV International
Performance Art Conference, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

2019, 27th, 29th & 30th of nov., CIAPI
2019, (Der Stille Mensch), Murcia, Spain

2019, 9th of December, Jesuit College of the University of Madeira, Portugal

2018, 25th of September, Filmtheatre Cinerama, Videoscreening performance video's
(Der Stille Mensch a.o.), Rotterdam, NL

● 2021, WECF Nederland, socials campaign, CorporAte
● 2019, Couplet 2.0, Kunstruimte Concordia, Enschede

● 2018, Gorcums Museum, installation and performance
● 2018, Maria Ziekenhuis, Overpelt (BE), durational performance and sculpture
● 2017, Zoön Politikon, Arte Concordia, Rotterdam, installation and artist book
● 2016, Uitdagen Rotterdam, installation and performance on Stationsplein Rotterdam
● 2008 & 2022, Wallpainting in auditorium, Emmauscollege, Rotterdam

Acquired works
● 2023, painting, Liquid Landscape, private collector
● 2022, Modern Medicine, photo print, Filmfabriek

● 2021, Modern Medicine, photo print, Frank Taal gallery, private collector

● 2019, Silent Breach, sculpture, Maria Ziekenhuis art collection, BE